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Leaves Shadow

The Founder

A Wild Love Journey of Transformation

towards the Teacher Within

Exploring Yoga and Transitioning to a Holistic Lifestyle

After working as a Multimedia Designer for 10 years in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she experienced an arm injury due to excessive hours of work, prompting her to explore yoga.

Falling in love with it, she became an Integral Yoga Teacher. Upon returning to her hometown, she taught Art & Yoga and transitioned to a holistic lifestyle after a "Death to Life" experience.

This journey included exploring various holistic practices such as Bach Flowers Essences, Master Plants from México & Perú; Mayan Rituals, and plenty of Transformative Ceremonies & Vision Quests.

Global Wellness: Certifications in Reiki, Yoga, Aromatherapy, and Coaching Across Borders

Certifications followed in Reiki (USUI and Karuna) in Argentina, Rainbow Kids Yoga, and Children of Light Yoga in Mexico.
Aromatherapy became a passion, and she successfully used it for her children's health, obtaining certification in the "Aromatouch" Technique in USA.


She completed her second yoga certification, this time in Kundalini Yoga, and also became a HABITS Coach. She co-created Wild Flower - Medicinal Bar with her dear soul sister Artemisa and shares detox juice plans, healthy cooking workshops, and healthy lifestyle plans.

Embodied Wisdom:
Healing Hearts with Cacao Ceremonies & sharing 
Ancestral Gifts from the
Sacred Valley

She also connected with the Sacred Seed of Cacao as a way of healing her heart and became a Cacao Workshops & Ceremonies facilitator.

She founded Casa Loba Tribe in Playa del Carmen, her healing home for 2 years, where she learned and shared plenty of transformative experiences.

Now in Peru, she is working with online coaching offerings and weaving harmonious exchange networks, sending Andean Ancestral Gifts all over the world, keeping the art and wisdom from the Sacred Valley of the Incas alive.

She works towards creating ways that can integrate and balance women's spirituality and natural cycles within a patriarchal system. Offering affordable holistic therapies to women all over the world and connecting the communities of weavers in the Andes with the economy of North America, as a way to create more income for them and herself.

She dreams of giving her children a home with her, integrating them into her life again.


My Wild story

A path of love, trust and empowerment

November 2nd 2019. Meeting death.

After being a stay at home mom for 6 years, life gave me the strongest lesson:

I found myself in a random Airport in the US; Inside customs office, whit an officer checking on my phone. Asking me how I payed for my tickets and a lot of questions that felt as slaps on my face. This voice in my head shoutting: Wake Up!

That day, the life that I thought I was living, completely fell apart. Who am I? What am I doing?

Argentinian mother, not married with a US citizen and with two children living in "his country".

Long story short:
I had been experiencing a hidden post-partum depression that lead me to make lots of wrong decitions.
After opening up and sharing with my family, we went through a nightmare of trials and power fights.
I had to leave my son (6 y.o) and daughter (3) in the United States, and return to México, the place where they were born.

If you are a mother, you can understand that feeling.
We change skins many times as mothers and women, but this one was for me, the hardest death and rebirth I will ever experience on this life time.


Today I understand that this is only the tip of my Iceberg and as I learn to surrender more and more; I can allow myself to be grateful for the extreme pain and darkness because it brought me to a more humble and truthful version of myself. 


Becoming Nothing

So at some point, after so many times of touching bottom and feeling broken inside, I was able to give less weight to grief and guilt and start embracing life with all that it was given to me.

This profound process of learning on how to mother myself in the darkest times, rebuild my life and say yes to being alive, has being possible, thanks to a network of people and experiences that will stay in my heart forever.

I learned to say sister & brother with a full heart and the world became that one real big family.

I infused myself with my true essence.
I understood love in a higher level. 
Not being ashamed or afraid anymore of the values and believes that my soul brings to this Earth.
I stopped denying what I am, in order to be accepted or "fit in". Life took away all of it. It was time for loving myself completely.

I became a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, I did my second certification as a Kids Yoga Teacher, I went to vision quests, fastings, detox, temazcals, cacao, fire, energy healing, prayer, and all kind of ceremonies and circles where I could feel the protection from spirit realm and allow my vulnerability to be seen and shared. I was literally tired of crying alone. 

Life changing encounters with master plants and medicines from México and Perú, expanded my vision and allowed me to underestand things from a place that has no shape or time. Life Force connected me with the environments and people that supports my souls growth. Where we nurture each other, holding space for each other and integrating life experiences into a loving and empowering path.

I have been blessed with the guide of many exquisite teachers and I am now honoring and practicing the art of contemplation as a way of touching, without fear, the spaces of emptiness, that allow my creations to be fully from the heart and closer to the truth of my being.


The Wolf's house

Casa Loba. I love you wildly.

This little oasis of jungle in the middle of Playa del Carmen (A.K.A Playa del Karma / Dharma) gave me the gift to let go without the need to hide. 


I started making peace with the shadows and receive them with and an open heart. Practicing respect, observation, non-judgment and self-care.

I was able to manifest a beautiful space for my broken heart to heal and I naturally started visualizing it as a place for women and their families, to gather in circle, share and transform together.

I felt safe sharing my processes with others there and I felt the warmth of the the pack in my most vulnerable moments.

Experiencing my vulnerability within this container became a door to growth, healing and harmony inside me. It became my safest place. This vortex where I could be. My home.

I sowed the seeds of my purest essence there and my autenticity, organically became a source of inspiration for others.

Rooted with the values of freedom, honesty, humbleness, joy and union; this place has been my favourite playground, my college and the reconciliation of matter and spirit within me.
Home for many celebrations, circles and transformational gatherings.

Forever grateful for this part of the story where I learned that life can be experienced with grace, even in the most challenging times.

Visit us on Instagram: @casalobatribe Playa del Carmen, México

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