4 steps to Fullfilment
working with the energy of the moon as an ally

peace within yourself
The Buddha said this:
"The object of your practice should firsf of all be yourself. Your love for the other, your ability to love another person, depens on your avility to love yourself."
Through Mindfulness practices, you will be able to transform the pain inside you, to bring back your joy in living, to culttivate the energy of compassion with which you can help the person you love.
The practice of being there with what is beautiful and with what is healing is something we should do every day, and it is possible to do this in everyday life.
Caring for yourself is the basic condition for helping someone else

About IRIS:
A former Multimedia Designer in Buenos Aires for a decade, found herself drawn to Yoga after an arm injury from long work hours.
Falling in love with it, she transitioned into becoming an Integral Yoga Teacher.
Returning to her hometown, Iris began teaching Art to Children and Yoga to everyone. Adjusting to a quieter pace, she encountered anxiety and depression, leading her into a profound "Death to Life" transformation, diving deeply into the holistic world.
Embracing Bach Flowers, Tarot, akashic records, the Mayan Calendar, temazcal rituals; she delved into self-discovery. Iris earned certifications in Reiki USUI, Reiki Karuna, Rainbow Kids Yoga, and Children of Light Yoga in Argentina & México.
Her passion for aromatherapy became a staple, supporting her children's health in their first 5 years of life. Iris obtained certification in the "Aromatouch" Technique and later as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Habits Coach.
Collaborating with her soul sister, Artemisa, Iris co-founded "Wild Flower - Medicinal Bar," offering detox juice plans, cooking workshops, and healthy lifestyle guidance.
Exploring and sharing heart-opening ceremonies and workshops with Cacao's Sacred Seed, she found healing and transformation in Casa Loba Tribe, Playa del Carmen, México.
Currently in Perú, Iris keeps deepening into her wellness practice and online sharings; weaving networks of harmony, exporting Ancestral Andean Gifts and preserving the ancient web and wisdom of the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
Passionate about integrating women's natural gifts into the material world, Iris envisions "Casa Loba Wellness" thriving. Her dream is to restore balance into her son and daughter's life by integrating them into her eveyday life with physical presence and home in both countries ♡♡♡